Tuesday, December 10, 2013

The Shaklee Journey

Hi peeps...

I think it was month ago that I was approached by an ex-coursemate (May) of mine from UiTM about Shaklee.... Back then, I was still nonchalant about feeling healthy.... (I'm so thankful that I am now... I think because of wanting to look good on my wedding day?)

I've tried few products on health, and what I can conclude here is I certainly am not a fan of drinking products, especially soy based.. to my tongue, it taste weird and I find it hard to swallow. I just don't like the taste. So, though I've heard raves about Herbalife (and I've tried it as well) I just can't see myself buying. I enjoyed the Tea Mix from Herbalife.

So.... about Shaklee. I think several weeks after she sent brochures (by snail mail! I mean, who does that anymore...? May does apparently?!), I found myself meeting with people who HAVE and are still consuming Shaklee... and I noticed their difference!! cut story short, May is an agent for Shaklee and I asked how to consume.. bla bla bla how to buy bla bla bla... then, the magic word " I'll sponsor your membership fee!" WooHoo! it was a good deal. I wanted to try shaklee, and May sponsored my membership fees.... Now, I'm gonna give this Shaklee my benefit for doubt...

I'm gonna record my experience consuming Shaklee...
Today is my first day...

Vitamin C - 1pill
Vitamin E - 1 pill
Alfafa - 5 pills

Breakfast - Sandwich
Lunch - 3 - 4 spoon of rice, Small portion of chicken thigh, long beans and brinjal.
Snack (around 4pm) - 1 slice of Kuih
Dinner - about to have one (which is already late ... , prolly a bowl of Kew Teow Mien)

Let's see my progress?
Stay Tuned..
xoxo babes!
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Monday, December 2, 2013

Wedding Woes : Date!

 Hey Peeps,

Mr H has been reminding me to update my blog since I've set it up.... (smile) It's a good reminder to keep myself disciplined which I truly want to have ore of. This update is my first wedding woe entry... What seemed to be settled months ago is back to taunt Mr H and I. We're back to square one. We DON'T HAVE a wedding date!!!! how did this happen.... well, long story. To cut story short ... (this is the shortest version I could think of) what makes it such a long process to pick a date..

Mr H is Javanese Indonesian and I am your typical "Kadazan - chinese looking- girl next door"... So, for us to get a date, a few things and people that we have to put in mind before we select a date.. (I'm sure some of you have your own process in selecting your dates and who you want to consider in selecting those dates....)

The First stage
Now, Mr H's parents has some what a calendar that they have to refer to get an auspicious day according to their Javanese calendar... and My parents (should I just pin-point my mom..) has her Feng shui calendar and Moon reading that she refers to to get an awesome date to have the wedding mass...  Hence, who doesn't want a good auspicious day?!

Second Stage
After probably a week of reading (by our mommies) and discussion ..we would have several dates that we could consider, only then both Mr H and I can meet with the Priest at our church to set the date.. Here, if the church is not available on those selected dates then we would need to go church hunting (another long process) or 2nd option would be, going back to First Stage again!!

Final Stage
When the Priest gives an OK on the dates, then we can go about arranging other things. 

Anyway, when we first selected our wedding date which was suppose to be June 7th 2014, we were just regular working people.. Now that both of us are pursuing our Masters Degree, we needed to consider our studies and examination date! Sigh! So, when we checked our University timetable... there it was ...June 7th was REVISION WEEK!!

People say, we can only plan, but God executes all. I guess, God's plan is greater for both Mr H and I, so thankfully everyone is taking it positively! Thank you Thank you Thank you! I am very certain it is for a good cause that we are changing it, besides, I can have extended time to get myself truly ready to walk down the aisle (shed some kgs!)

So, its back to square one for H and I. Mr H was quite disappointed I think, but... its all for a greater good I suppose.

My opinion, in selecting dates for wedding, it is always best to consult parents. You don't have to consider EVERYONE. You'll go crazy if you do so.. I think the only people you should truly consider are your parents, yourself and future spouse..A wedding date is important so consider wisely. which would u prefer, a good looking date (e.g. 1.4.14) or a good auspicious date with the universe blessing you abundantly?

Have fun in choosing your dates fellow Brides!

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Thursday, November 28, 2013

Wedding Bells!!!

Dang, Dang, Dang (at least that's how wedding bells' sound is to me...)

After Mr H got down on his knees last year June 24th, I just finally got around to accepting the fact that I want to get married. Finally, that feeling is here (this I'll share in another post)...

I've been delaying blog posts all throughout this year just because I wanted to custom make my blog MYSELF... I need to get myself disciplined and get to it immediately. SO, as you can see above... I've got my blog header.... which I spent nearly 3 hours on it. I'm proud of myself, despite I could've use all that time to finish my research proposal (sigh).

Well, I will use this blog for good things... and sharing my wedding planning is definitely one of them.
urgh, I sound vain.....NO, I sound confident of myself.☺

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